Saturday 19 January 2013

Thank Heaven for Little Boys

We seem to be having a lot of sleep overs just now.  Last night it was Nicholas’ turn.  He’s five and a half going on sixteen!

Nicholas20Jan13 copyStoryboard freebie courtesy of Beckie at

He posed for me because I said he could take some pictures too. I’m all for bribery if it gets me some pictures! His granddad and I took him to Pizza Hut for lunch today. It was fun for all of us.


I snapped this cute little picture of him with my iPhone.  He was watching the Cat in the Hat.  I thought it was sweet how he had his teddies watching with him.  Aww.


Last Friday night it had been Charlie’s turn.  He was in a very giddy mood and played around while I snapped away.  He’s four and a half and a proper little Prince Charming.

My third and oldest grandson is staying next Friday night.  I wonder if I’ll get any pictures of him?  We’ll see.



Caroline said...

Very cute! I can't believe you actually took him to Pizza hut! x

Victoria said...

He had a great time and is asking for the Cat In The Hat DVD!! xx